【交流】关于同英国斯克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)联合培养“1+1+1”双硕士学位项目申请的说明


根据我院同英国斯克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)签订的协议内容,以及英方的申请规则,现将该项目的申请要求和具体流程做如下说明:


Application process for new students


1.     You should look at this list of Masters Courses:



2.    Once you have decided on the course, you should click on apply and fill in the on-line application.  This is the best option if possible.


3.     If students cannot access the online system, then a paper copy can be completed. (you will find the attached paper form for your reference)


4.  You are required to include the following evidence:

-     Passport scan

-       IELTS certificate

-       Transcript of courses

 (in both Chinese/ English with an official stamp to show the quality of translation)

-         Copy of qualifications

-         2 academic references in English


5. There is no formal closing date for applications, but you should be advised that an early application should be made to allow enough time to complete the visa process.




欢迎对此项目有兴趣的同学关注并申请参加。并请完成线上申请开号成功的同学,将本人的相关申请信息发送主题为2018-2019申请S大项目签到”的电子邮件到 zyzy@sass.org.cn,以备研究生院进行备案。







